
A showcase of LTB Authors’ Creative ePosters

September 28th, 2020|

Over the summer Learning Toolbox has been used for the ePoster sessions in a wide range of international conferences and national meetings covering topics including medical sciences, engineering, education, technology, music, arts & humanities. We've been very impressed by the creative, engaging and effective ePosters that authors/researchers have created using

The look and sound of creativity

August 12th, 2020|

We were delighted when the Midlands4Cities Doctoral Training Partnership choose to use Learning Toolbox for the ePosters at their 2020 Research Festival. This group of arts and humanities research students really made excellent use of the platform and produced some of the most creative and engaging ePosters that we have

Kubify to the rescue!

July 2nd, 2020|

The availability of Kubify’s ePoster system helped rescue a medical informatics course at Sultan Qaboos University, Oman. Like most academic staff, Ken Masters, Associate Professor of Medical Informatics at Sultan Qaboos University (SQU), Oman, was caught off-guard by the sudden departure of his students due to COVID-19.  SQU, however, could

The new conference? Online collaborations and presentations

January 18th, 2020|

The Mirots project used Learning Toolbox in an exciting new way as part of their Erasmus+ project to internationalise their curricula to support the development of intercultural skills and professional identity amongst occupational therapy students. Working across 5 different countries and involving students from 6 different universities, this was a complex

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